What is Digital Signature
Digital Signature or Digital Signature Certificate as it is also called is a encrypted file issued by a Certifying Authority which is used for electronically signing a document. It is not a scanned copy of physical signatures as is mostly thought of, it is an encrypted file containing data about the person using the signature and the certifying authority which has issued the signature. Digital Signature is generally issued for limited time and is valid for the period for which it is issued.
Why is Digital Signature Required
What is the need for Digital Signature? Many of our client ask this question and rightly so. With the increase in computerisation, there arose a need to sign documents digitally in a way that the same is binding on the person signing the form. As with physical signature there is no way to check whether a person has signed a form. This need led to creation of digital signature which are encrypted files attached to a form which show which person has signed the form, but it is not possible to alter the form or alter the signature due to its encryption.
With increase in e-governance & e-tendering the need for digital signatures have increased tremendously. This ensure that the document can be filed online, 24/7 without leaving your office and the same would stand the scrutiny of law with reference to the person signing the documents. Digital Signature has ensured fast, efficient, effective and transparent governance and tendering process and also increased the ease with which document can be filed by the user.
Who can issue Digital Signature
Digital Signature / Certificate in India can only be issued by a certifying authority, authorized for issuing digital signatures by the government of India.
In India all the Registrar of Companies (ROC) Compliance and document filing are to be done only with the use of digital signature. The documents can be signed by a minimum of class 2 digital signature.